Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative (OAI) has pledged to donate at least $500,000 this year to organizations supporting wangle to land for outdoor recreation in honor of National Public Lands Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day on Sept. 24. Yamaha OAI, National Public Lands Day, and National Hunting and Fishing Day all share the goal of protecting and preserving public land for outdoor recreation.
This Saturday, Yamaha OAI encourages everyone to get outdoors and enjoy what they are working to protect. Organizations that share OAI’s goals are encouraged to wield for a grant by Sept. 30. For increasingly information, read the printing release below.
MARIETTA, Ga. (Sept. 21, 2022) – Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, is encouraging people to get outside and enjoy the outdoors on Saturday, Sept. 24, in honor of National Public Lands Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHF Day). In recognition of these events, the Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative (OAI) is renewing its yearly pledge to commit $500,000 to organizations supporting wangle to land for outdoor recreation and encouraging applications for grants surpassing the next quarterly deadline on Sept. 30.
Related Story: Yamaha Celebrates 14 Years and $15M in Outdoor Wangle Initiative Grants
National Public Lands Day invites volunteers nationwide to help restore and preserve public lands – from national parks to local urban untried spaces – directly aligning with Yamaha OAI’s goal of protecting public lands for outdoor recreation. To date, the Yamaha OAI program has unsalaried over $5 million in funding and equipment wideness increasingly than 425 projects in the last 14 years to squire outdoor recreationists working to protect and modernize wangle to public land and educate everyone on safe, sustainable recreational use. Yamaha OAI has proven to be the industry’s most reliable partner and a significant resource for those who depend on wangle to public land for work and play.
Additionally, on Sept. 24, National Hunting and Fishing Day is triumphal its 50th anniversary. NHF Day events are organized each year by Wonders of Wildlife to spread sensation of the conservation and economic benefits as well as traditions and values of hunting and fishing. Yamaha OAI is a founding partner of Wonders of Wildlife’s Live It! program and a supporter of its efforts to expand NHF Day events wideness the country. These events play a significant role in expanding sensation of the issues facing public wangle and outdoor recreation, and the Live It! program supports local conservation groups wanting to host or enhance NHF Day events but are limited in their resources.
Since wangle to public land is weightier protected by visitors’ responsible and sustainable practices, Yamaha OAI partners with Recreate Responsibly Coalition (RRC) on a variety of activities, including signage for land managers to educate visitors on appropriate, responsible use of trails and riding areas. Those interested in applying for signs can simply well-constructed a form at the pursuit link: Yamaha OAI / RRC Responsible Use Signage Request.
“Last year we made a transferral to grant half a million dollars to outdoor projects, and we’re proud to say we exceeded that goal,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha’s Motorsports marketing manager. “Our lives are rooted in the outdoors, and Yamaha’s uncontrived and significant financial support of Wonders of Wildlife, Recreate Responsibly, and so many other outdoor organizations help make recreation on public lands possible. In triumph of National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day, we’re excited to renew our yearly transferral to make a minimum of $500,000 misogynist in 2022 to organizations who help create opportunities for outdoor recreation.”
The Yamaha OAI program encourages riding clubs, land stewardship associations, and public land managers to work together with Yamaha dealers to identify projects and wield for support. Yamaha OAI is a one-stop resource for outdoor organizations seeking support for their next project. Visit Yamaha OAI’s website for application details or examples of some typical projects the program supports for inspiration.
The using deadline for consideration in the third quarter of the 2022 funding trundling is Sept. 30, 2022. Submission guidelines and an using for a Yamaha OAI grant are misogynist at YamahaOAI.com. Connect with Yamaha on social media via @YamahaOutdoors or search any of the pursuit hashtags on all platforms: #Yamaha #YamahaOAI #REALizeYourAdventure #ProvenOffRoad #AssembledInUSA
About the Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative
Since 2008, the Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative has led the Powersports industry in supporting responsible wangle to our nation’s public lands for outdoor enthusiasts. With increasingly than $5 million unsalaried to 425 projects wideness the country, Yamaha has directly and indirectly supported thousands of miles of motorized recreation trails, maintained and rehabilitated riding and hunting areas, improved staging areas, supplied agricultural organizations with essential OHV safety education, built bridges over fish-bearing streams, and partnered with local outdoor enthusiast communities wideness the country to modernize wangle to public lands. Each quarter, Yamaha accepts applications from nonprofit or tax-exempt organizations including OHV riding clubs and associations, national, state, and local public land-use agencies, outdoor enthusiast associations, and land conservation groups with an interest in protecting, improving, expanding, and/or maintaining wangle for safe, responsible, and sustainable public use.
Updated guidelines, an using form, information, and news well-nigh the Outdoor Wangle Initiative are misogynist at YamahaOAI’s website. For specific questions well-nigh the Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative, undeniability the defended hotline at 1-877-OHV-TRAIL (877-648-8724), email OHVAccess@Yamaha-Motor.com, or write to:
Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative
Yamaha Motor Corp., USA
3065 Chastain Meadows Parkway, Bldg. 100
Marietta, GA 30066
The post Yamaha Outdoor Wangle Initiative Honors National Public Lands Day first appeared on Rider Magazine.