Recently I’ve started writing wares for due to a whole variety of reasons. By no ways am I x-rated this blog, I’ll still be trying to write one vendible every week or two here, but Eric has challenged me to write one non-crappy vendible every day for his blog . At first, this request seemed completely unreasonable, but the increasingly I thought well-nigh it the less unreasonable it became so I am stepping up to the challenge. If you want to support me, there are a number of ways that you can do that.

Here are just a few wares I have written in the last week, check them out
- Click on over to and on the marrow right enter your email and click on the ‘subscribe button’. You will never get any spam, just an email notification of any vendible that I write well-nigh 30 seconds without I publish it. We do not sell or use your email for anything other than sending out articles.
- Post links to my wares on social media to help spread the good word. We want to get the righteous word out there well-nigh upper speed and upper power ebikes and let people know they don’t have to just ride wearisome crap.
- Support ebike vendors that sell upper power stuff. Don’t buy unseemly ebikes from Amazon, Walmart or anywhere else that uses boring, underpowered hub motors. You’ll save a few bucks, but at what cost?
- Send me ideas for articles. Coming up with fresh new ideas for wares is one of the hardest parts of my job, no idea is too stupid for me to write about. Email me at . I don’t want to just follow the news trundling like every other wearisome blog out there, I want my wares to be fresh, interesting and new.
- Post comments at the end of the articles, this makes it seem like you are engaged and will vamp increasingly readers and create a ‘community’ on .
- Gosh darn it, stop downvoting my wares on Reddit. There is a tuft of people who unceasingly downvote my wares on Reddit, I’m not sure who they are but you’ve got to have largest things to do with your time. Get a hobby. I know I suck, I know my wares are boring, you don’t have to remind me.
- Subscribe to my youtube channel, I’m going to start putting out a lot increasingly content on it, but I need 1000 subscribers to embed links in videos and monetize it. I know my videos suck right now, but soon they will be awesome. I promise.

Good content is on its way, all I need is just a few increasingly subscribers, squint at that happy face
I don’t spend whimsically any time on Facebook or Reddit considering frankly I can’t deal with distractions and I’m too rented trying to create content. If you want good content to alimony coming you have to support me. The easiest way to do that is to follow the steps above.
Thanks guys, without you I wouldn’t do this (or maybe I would but no one would read anything I wrote).
You make it all worthwhile.
Ride On.