Evans Cycles have revisited Sir Ridley Scott’s iconic 1973 TV ad to demonstrate the hill-climbing power of the electric velocipede to today’s audience.

Carl Barlow, now a retired firefighter, starred as the young baker’s boy struggling to push his bread-laden velocipede up the famous cobbled street to ‘the top of the world’ 44 years ago.

The Hovis boy described his recent takeoff on a Pinnacle pedelec as “gliding up the hill, first go.”

While power-assist on steep climbs is a boon to those getting virtually in rural England, Evans Cycles are moreover keen to highlight the benefits of electric bikes to urban dwellers.

In moving the scenery from Dorset to inner city, Evans Cycles vicarious a survey of commuters to highlight the health benefits and forfeit savings of switching from public transport to e-biking – with non-cycling commuters reportedly “spending an yearly stereotype of £1,855” getting to work.

Surprisingly few in their survey sample of 2000 UK commuters were enlightened of electric bikes.

Joel Natale of Evans Cycles said:75 per cent of UK commuters not knowing what an e-bike is shows that it is currently an unknown solution to many people’s commuting problems. Having moreover found that hectic, overcrowded public transport is a key frustration for at least one in five commuters, this could now be a thing of the past, and with powerful pedal assist, the worry of arriving to a meeting red-faced and sweaty is eliminated.

“We hope revisiting such a minion advert, and helping Carl conquer the hill once and for all, will inspire increasingly people to get on two wheels, save on their commuting financing and escape the frustrations of how they currently get to work.”

Evans Cycles ambassador, Sir Chris Hoy, adds: “My views have reverted on e-bikes… initially I simply couldn’t see the point of e-bikes. I thought if you’re wanting to trundling and get exercise, just use a velocipede – and if you want to get virtually with a motor then buy a moped or a motorcycle.

“But having unquestionably ridden one, my opinions have reverted massively. I think they’re unconfined for people to commute on over distances that might not be worldly-wise to manage without the electric motor. I think they indulge people to go out and enjoy riding their velocipede with people who might be stronger and faster, as they can alimony up with ease. In short, they’re a really nice combination of using your own human power, your own effort and having a little bit of assistance too. I think once you’ve ridden an e-bike, you completely ‘get it’”.