In a world of cars, trains, busses, and other commuting options, it is easy to see the vast variety of travel options that stupefy our planet. However, there are plenty of other options that are largest for our planet. One option is switching from gas guzzling choices for e-bike rides. After initial production environmental costs, e-bikes eliminate the need for using gas and in turn reduce the value of emissions released into the air. As you can see by the graph unelevated from the Travel Stats Man, e-Bike emissions are significantly lower compared to other methods of travel. They moreover don’t get stuck in traffic, meaning there isn’t any glut emissions caused by delays. Therefore an e-bike contributes less to environmental pollution. Another goody is they have very low impact on the roads and don’t forfeiture it like other transportation methods do. This ways no repairs with heavy machinery need to be done. 

How can I summate how big my stat footprint is?


There are multiple ways to see how much you contribute, including smartphone apps and online tools. Policy Expert created a  very informative blog that shows how you can reduce the size of your own stat footprint. There are some really interesting apps listed that are worth trying out, such as The Extra Mile and My Planet. The Extra Mile is an app where you can plan your route and summate how much stat dioxide you’ll emit. It plane shows where you can make a few cuts in your travel in order to lower those emissions. My Planet is a fun app where you have a little slice of the Earth and it shows how your daily choices stupefy your slice.


How exactly do electronic bikes help the planet?


If everyone in the United States stopped driving cars for one day,  we could prevent 3.5 million metric tons of CO2 emissions from inward our atmosphere. That sounds pretty tough though, right? Not stuff worldly-wise to take your car anywhere for a whole day would definitely be a challenge. That’s where e-bikes come in. They reduce emissions and indulge you to get to where you need to be in a decent time.Not only are they fun to ride, but they help minimize many negative effects on our environment! 


Other ways to help reduce your stat footprint


Are you still wondering how you can lower the size of your stat footprint? A couple of easy ways include using less water, insulating your home, and ownership energy efficient appliances. Simply turning off the water when you skim your teeth or taking a slightly shorter shower will lessen the value of water you use. It uses energy to get water to your house so by using less, you reduce the value of energy you use. Insulating your home and using energy efficient appliances moreover help reduce the value of energy going into your house. As you can see, electricity is the leader out of all of the global emissions sources, so any little bit can help!

Are there any other methods that we missed that you practice? Let us know! 

The post E-Biking and Stat Footprints: How can I make a difference? appeared first on Leeds Bikes.