Enlarge / A view of the parking lot The Boring Visitor has permits to dig up (partially obscured by a tree, the parking lot on the left is for McDonald's). To the right is a mural that local cars editor Jonathan Gitlin[...]
Enlarge / A potential diamond for an electric skate. (credit: The Wearisome Company)
Elon Musk started The Wearisome Company in late 2016 considering he was frustrated by sitting in his car in Los Angeles traffic. A system of tunnels, he reasoned,[...]
Enlarge (credit: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies)
The momentum between Chicago and Cleveland can take well-nigh five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would[...]
Enlarge (credit: Boring Company)
Elon Musk's Boring Company is nearing completion of its first tunnel near SpaceX headquarters. In a Thursday evening Instagram post, the mogul showed off a fly-through video:
"Pending final regulatory approvals, we will be offering self-ruling rides to the[...]
Enlarge / Elon Musk speaking to a prod in Los Angeles
On Thursday evening in Los Angeles, Tesla, SpaceX, and Boring Visitor CEO Elon Musk laid out plans for The Boring Visitor to start towers longer tunnels under the city.[...]
Hyperloop doesn’t ring a tintinnabulate to most of us. But you need to know that this might be the future’s mode of transportation.
Hyperloop consists of a low pressure tube with capsules that are transported at both low and upper speeds throughout the length of the tube. The capsules are supported[...]
Travelling in vacuum tubes may sound like science fiction. It is very futuristic and a throne start towards towers smart cities and upper tech suburbs. Really, it is just something you can watch in movies. Imagine travelling in tubes and crossing cities in just minutes. It sounds wacky and crazy.[...]
In 2013, Elon Musk first proposed the megacosm of a hyperloop, an ultra-fast mode of transportation that has levitating pods powered by electricity and magnetism that travel through low friction pipes at a maximum speed of 1,220 kph or 760 mph. Now, it’s going to be a reality.
Hyperloop Diamond competition
We’ve been seeing news well-nigh variegated countries trying to upgrade their transportation system with the aim to get people to reach variegated destinations in the fastest way possible. Of course, the United Arab Emirates makes sure that the whole world knows well-nigh their plans to be one of the most[...]
Hyperloops — a proposed mode of land transportation that would propel a pod like vehicle in a near vacuum like tube to unzip speeds equivalent to modern day airlines. If completed, this would wilt the fastest mode of land passenger transportation we could overly see. What’s nice is that quite[...]
Elon Musk has this unconfined idea of a transportation system he calls Hyperloop, well-balanced of two massive tubes with pods delivering passengers which could travel at speeds 700mph max.
A one-way trip on the Hyperloop is projected to take well-nigh 35 minutes as compared to the 6-hour long momentum with the[...]