

Electric bicycle usage has wilt increasingly popular and with that popularity has come an increase in e-bike variety and regulations. In order to stay unscratched and find the right e-bike for your cycling needs, it’s important to take the time to understand worldwide e-bike classifications and regulations. Moving forward, this[...]
In an effort to make bicyclists safer on California roads, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1909 into law in September 2022 and it went into effect on January 1, 2023. This law requires motor vehicles to requite bicyclists a larger safety buffer when passing them on the street, which[...]
Statistics indicate that scrutinizingly 1,000 bicyclists lose their lives, and increasingly than 130,000 are injured in accidents that happen on roads in America yearly. Bicycle-related injuries vary in severity based on how serious the crash is. While some bicycle accidents are avoidable, others are vastitude your control. Discussed unelevated are[...]
These past few months, I have been hearing a lot well-nigh the New Talaria Sting, and how it compared to the popular Sur-Ron Light Bee. So many people were impressed by it that I decided to squint into whether or not there were any significant differences, and I did find[...]
One of the most often asked questions well-nigh any electric conversion is “what controller should I use?”. Controllers are the last remaining voodoo in electric systems, and they are not easy to understand. I have picked up a few shit and pieces over the years, but to be honest, I[...]
I have to confess that I am no expert when it comes to controllers, and when I find someone who has a lot of wits and is honest well-nigh the benefits and drawbacks of any given model of controller, I want to hear what that tech has to say. There are[...]