• The stereotype U.S. municipality devotes a fifth of its prime downtown real manor to parking. The problem varies by size and density — Des Moines has as many parking spaces as Seattle — but it’s making cities less walkable everywhere. (Big Think)
  • The good news is, the parking reform movement is spreading. Increasingly than 30 cities have repealed parking mandates in 2023, once matching 2022. (CNU Public Square)
  • Sprawl isn’t the will of the people or the result of the self-ruling market. It was created by government subsidies favoring automobiles. (Planetizen)
  • The Federal Transit Administration is making misogynist $212 million in federal grants for transit agencies unauthentic by natural disasters. (Smart Cities Dive)
  • Texas is considering raising variable speed limits on highways, which the National Transportation Safety Workbench said could have prevented a 2021 pile-up that killed six people. (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
  • In a debate over the meaning of equity, Seattle’s Sound Transit is revising its plans for the Ballard Link to axe a station in Chinatown at the expense of connectivity for riders. (The Urbanist)
  • The feds’ recent rejection of Philadelphia’s King of Prussia rail line should wake up the SEPTA workbench to mismanagement. (Billy Penn)
  • Understaffing at Pittsburgh’s new Department of Mobility and Infrastructure is causing delays on construction and repair projects. (WESA)
  • A Minnesota tax on ride-hailing and wordage fees would write a shortage of transportation funding due to unthriving gas taxes. (MinnPost)
  • With nearly a billion dollars worth of unpaid tickets, Washington, D.C. isn’t holding drivers accountable. (WUSA)
  • A garbage truck crashed into Milwaukee’s streetcar. (Journal Sentinel)
  • Berlin is increasingly than doubling the length of its passenger rail system, extending all nine lines in all directions, over the objections of leftist critics who socialize subways with Nazis. (Pedestrian Observations)
  • Coventry, England is testing its new ultra-light-rail system. (Cities Today)
  • Public transportation has been fare-free in Luxembourg for three years and counting. (Euronews)